Design Your Site with Permaculture

Online - available to start now and study at your own pace.

This course will teach anyone wanting to live a more sustainable life, how to effectively design their home or garden and increase their personal resilience.

Course information

Why do this course?
We live in uncertain times and while our modern infrastructure is very clever and convenient we’re also learning how fragile it can be.

The spring of 2020 saw unprecedented demand on seed companies and local food producers as many rushed to buy local and grow more of their own. This pattern is being repeated in 2021. A community garden local to Aranya quickly evolved into a food surplus distribution scheme, community composting, a home-growing skills centre and a network helping people to set up their own growing spaces.

Permaculture offers us the tools to do all of these things really well, minimising wasted time and costly mistakes. From experience, Aranya has discovered that the very best way to learn permaculture is by following a real-life site design, then doing the same for yourself. 

A Quick Overview of the Course

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the format of the course?
Online lessons will be emailed to you on a regular basis to help pace you through the course. Within each lesson there will be a series of activities to complete and check-off. These are of varying length and you can pause at any point, as the learning platform will remember where you've got to.

While you’re free to progress through the course at your own pace, scheduled webinars on specific topics offer some incentive to maintain momentum.

To find out more about the format of the course go to the ‘How it works tab’ 


Aranya teaching


Trelowia is home to Aranya and his partner Jules.

Completing his Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design in 2003, Aranya started teaching the following year. He discovered this made his heart sing, so he made it his main focus. Since 2004 he has taught over 90 two-week design courses, something he has no intention of stopping. He feels that it's a privilege to have the opportunity to teach "something that can make a real difference in all our lives".

Aranya is also excited about new ways in which permaculture thinking can help us, developing new courses on using its principles to help us design for optimising our health and creating ethical livelihoods.

In the spring of 2012 Permanent Publications published his first book 'Permaculture Design - a Step-by-Step Guide', which evolved from a set of design course worksheets. He also writes occasionally for magazines and from time to time shares interesting items on his blog. Aranya is currently writing a second book, about a subject he’s especially fascinated by, the application of systems thinking and patterns in permaculture design.